this blog is dedicated to my wonderful grandchildren -- my MAGNIFICENT 9!!! I pray they will enjoy reading this as much as I've enjoyed putting it together for them... God blessed me abundantly when He gave me my magnificent 9!! May their lives reflect and embody the wonderful heritage of the Isidro and Lacanilao families of which they are a part.
Our Magnificent 9
August 2024
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Monday, November 21, 2016
How do you feel when you fail at something? What about when you fail over and over and over again?
Number of failed Dyson vacuum cleaners James Dyson created before he made the one that worked: 5,126
Number of failed storyboards Pixar throws in the
garbage in order to produce a 90 minute film: about 113,0005,126fore he made the one that worked: 5,126Number of failed storyboards Pixar throws in the garbage in order to produce a 90-minute film: about 113,000
Number of failures Thomas Edison estimated he'd experienced on his way to developing the light bulb: 10,000
The main way we process failure is by feeling shame. It often doesn't matter how or why we failed, the shame is still there. But, in many cases, failure is merely a symptom of action that you took to get a result. Would you be ashamed if you accomplished a goal? Then, why should you feel shame about trying to achieve that goal?
Failure can be a creative force, a motivating force, a source of positive change. There are many different types of failure, and it can be pretty tough to rationalize some of the ones that really hurt. But, the main thing is to make it count every time that you fail.
Failing fast and failing often is a sign that you're on the right course to produce great results. Don't be ashamed to be working hard and experience a setback. Keep pushing through.
Dr Henry Cloud
Psalm 16:11
Thou wilt shew me the path of life:
in thy presence [is] fullness of joy;
at thy right hand [there are] pleasures for evermore.
in thy presence [is] fullness of joy;
at thy right hand [there are] pleasures for evermore.
this is another of my favorite verses in the Psalms.
According to your Great-Gramps' annotation,
According to your Great-Gramps' annotation,
"The path of life leads to God’s presence and
right hand where there is fullness of joy and pleasures forever."
This should serve as a comfort for the present
and exciting assurance for the future with God that is promised to us who have a placed our faith and trust in the
Lord Jesus Christ.
This should serve as a comfort for the present
and exciting assurance for the future with God that is promised to us who have a placed our faith and trust in the
Lord Jesus Christ.
Monday, November 14, 2016
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Because the 2016 elections was MIRACULOUS and EPIC!!!
Bethel Church (Redding, CA) Pastor Bill Johnson: Why I Voted for Donald Trump
Posted November 10, 2016
I was told if I voted for Trump, I needed to open my Bible to find out why it was morally wrong. So I did, and this is what I found.
I found that murder/abortion was wrong, which Clinton approves of even up to the point of delivery. Changing the name from baby to fetus doesn't change reality. It's a baby. A woman has a right to decide what happens to her own body. But, all of our rights stop when they violate the rights of another - in this case the unborn. I also found that one of the main biblical purposes of authority is to speak on behalf of those who have no voice. The unborn qualify. They wait silently for someone to stand up and speak. Clinton has refused to do so.
I found that one of the primary responsibilities of the government to protect its citizens. Clinton pulled the protection back from our representatives who were crying out for help at Benghazi. She then deceptively blamed a video on YouTube, knowing it wasn't true.
I found that compassion for aliens (visitors to a nation) is vital, but here again the responsibility to provide safety for its citizens comes first. Open boarders violates such a responsibility, creating an impossible task for our law enforcement officers who already live in the daily challenge of risking their lives to provide safety for all enter our borders, citizens or not. We also have a great need to demonstrate compassion to those who are here illegally to come to a redemptive solution where possible. On the other hand, what right do our leaders have of choosing what laws they want to enforce or ignore. By implication, that places governmental officials above the law itself. "Illegal alien" speaks for itself. If it's a bad law, change it.
I found that honesty is a core value of God's kingdom and that Clinton violated that value when she deleted hundreds of thousands of emails, some of them classified, and then lied about it to congress and tried to destroy the evidence. Some of the classified emails were given to unclassified people, putting our safety as a nation in jeopardy.
I found that God gives us the ability to make wealth, and that merely giving people money without work can create a lifestyle of dependency that is dangerous for them and our government. The failed liberal agenda espoused by Clinton actually creates the problems they claim to fix. I also found that often times the welfare system masquerades as compassionate when it actually robs people of their much needed self esteem gained in their ability to work. Each person has the right to work to create wealth for their families in order to break the cycle of systemic poverty. This is the heart God for every household of every race. The problem won't be fixed by merely throwing money at the problem. But neither will it be fixed without throwing money at the problem. People compassionately helping people is desperately needed. It is also the privileged responsibility of any society to care for those who cannot care for themselves.
I found that socialism is contrary to Jesus and His teachings. He strongly taught of the importance of giving to the poor. But when he talked about taking from the one person who had one talent (a sum of money) and gave it to the one who had the most, He disqualified himself from being a socialist. Socialism robs people of personal identity and liberty at the expense of national control and power. The liberal agenda, of which Clinton takes center stage, embraces this theme proudly. When government takes from the rich to give to the poor they rob the wealthy of the self esteem gained from being a part of the solution through compassion. I cannot call it compassion if I take your money and give to someone in need. It's only compassion when I give my own.
I found that the accusations of racism to be serious enough for all Americans to stop and take notice that we might be a part of the solution and not add to the problem. When I looked at Trumps personal staff and the workers in his businesses and I found happy minority workers who were very thankful for their boss. I also found that accusation is a trick of the devil to create fear, thus manipulating peoples decision making process. I found that the devil himself is called the accuser, and that often times good people fall into that trap thinking they are doing the rest of us a good service by creating an evil image of someone when their perception is in itself wrong. Trump was never called a racist until he ran against Clinton.
I found that he who blesses Israel is blessed of the Lord, and that the present liberal agenda has put at risk decades of success with this important ally.
I found that political correctness is nothing new, and that Jesus Himself faced these challenges. He refused to be governed by popular opinion. I found that the fear of man, which is the goal of political correctness, is a stench in the nostrils of God for it removes freedom to think for oneself.
I found that God values each nation uniquely, and that the present move towards globalization is nothing more than a modern Tower of Babel. It is mans efforts towards creating unity through uniformity instead of being free to celebrate diversity both with individuals and nations.
I found that speaking of women in a sexually demeaning way is wrong, as is treating any other human being as a piece of property. It is inexcusable, but not unforgivable. I also found that it is important to forgive people who have asked for forgiveness. Trump acknowledged his error of ten years ago and publicly apologized. I hope that those who judge him for that sin are not also judged for what they did wrong that they have confessed. For what it's worth, I often look at the children of an individual to be able to measure what kind of person they really are. Trump's children adore their dad and work for and with him honorably. I want the same for all who read this.
All elections are tough. This one more so than any other I can remember. And, there are very legitimate reasons for voting for or against any given candidate. Unfortunately, neither Billy Graham or Mother Theresa were running for office. That leaves us with the responsibility to do our best with what we have. And I have done that, with a good conscience. I believe the outcome is from the Lord. At the same time I realize that many people I care for don't see it that way at all. Regardless, my love for God and people remains the same. And as I did for Clinton, Bush, and Obama, I pray for protection for President Trump and his family, that he would have great wisdom for his near impossible assignment, and that he would always listen to godly counsel. I pray that he would increase in favor with God and man. I pray for those who are in despair because of the outcome of this election, that God Himself would give them peace and a hope filled promise. And, finally, I pray that each of us would have a life of realizing the fulfillment of dreams, with great health and blessing in every area of life.
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Donald Trump, President of the United States by the Sovereign Intervention of God
As the political pundits weigh in on the many sociological and ideological
factors that contributed to Donald Trump's stunning victory, allow me to weigh
in on the spiritual side of things.
I believe Trump has been elected president by divine intervention.
I'm aware, of course, that some people believe that everything happens by
the will of God, which means that whoever wins the presidency wins by God's
express will.
Yet there are times when there are so many odds against something
happening, when it so greatly defies logic, that it is easier to recognize
God's involvement.
That, I believe, is the case with Donald Trump winning—and remember, this
comes from someone who endorsed Ted Cruz and was one of Trump's stronger
conservative critics during the primaries.
Just think of the obstacles Trump overcame, including: 1) The massive baggage of his past, including
the release of a vulgar video with his tremendously offensive sexual comments,
along with numerous women accusing him of sexual assault (as reported by no
less than the New York Times); 2) his myriad campaign errors, with
enough misstatements and inappropriate remarks to sink several candidates; 3) a
very strong Republican field, including governors like Bush, Christie, Kasich,
Huckabee and Walker, senators like Cruz, Rubio and Santorum, and outsiders like
Carson and Fiorina; 4) the massive power of the Clinton political machine; and,
5) the overwhelming collusion of the mainstream media.
To be sure, some will say, "Yes, God has raised up Donald Trump, but
it is to judge America, not bless America. He has given us what we deserve, and
it is not good."
That is certainly a possibility and, either way, Trump's many negative
qualities are still glaring and our nation remains terribly divided.
But, if, indeed, God has raised Trump up for certain divine purposes, it
behooves us to ask what those purposes are.
First, consider this post from Pastor Jeremiah Johnson, now just 28 years
old, dating to July of last year. Jeremiah knew very little about Trump when he
wrote these words: "I was in a time of prayer several weeks ago when God
began to speak to me concerning the destiny of Donald Trump in America. The
Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, 'Trump shall become My trumpet to the
American people, for he possesses qualities that are even hard to find in My
people these days. Trump does not fear man nor will he allow deception and lies
to go unnoticed. I am going to use him to expose darkness and perversion in
America like never before, but you must understand that he is like a bull in a
china closet. Many will want to throw him away because he will disturb their
sense of peace and tranquility, but you must listen through the bantering to
discover the truth that I will speak through him. I will use the wealth that I
have given him to expose and launch investigations searching for the truth.
Just as I raised up Cyrus to fulfill My purposes and plans, so have I raised up
Trump to fulfill my purposes and plans prior to the 2016 election. You must
listen to the trumpet very closely for he will sound the alarm, and many will
be blessed because of his compassion and mercy. Though many see the outward
pride and arrogance, I have given him the tender heart of a father that wants
to lend a helping hand to the poor and the needy, to the foreigner and the
Obviously, Trump's policies regarding immigration would seem to contradict
the final sentence here, but if the rest of this proclamation is true, then,
perhaps this part will prove true as well.
Second, consider the perspective of Dr. Lance Wallnau, a Christian speaker
and leadership coach who often thinks outside the box. He, too, felt that God
was raising up Trump to be a Cyrus-type leader—someone used by God to help the
nation, even though he himself was not a believer—feeling directed to read a
passage from Isaiah 45 to Trump (this passage speaks of Cyrus) and say that
Trump was called to be the 45th president of the United States.
Wallnau believes that God is using Trump as a "wrecking ball to the spirit of
political correctness," claiming, "His emergence is such a
destabilizing threat to the vast deal-making machinery embedded in both parties
that he has the unique distinction of being rejected by both liberal Democrats
and establishment Republicans at the same time."
But here is the major caveat, even if all (or most of these things) are
true: If Trump, indeed, is a divine
wrecking ball, then he could do as much harm as good, and to the extent that he
is appealing to the fears, frustrations and anger of a nation, he is channeling
some potentially dangerous emotions.
That means that we should pray that: 1) he will continue to surround
himself with solid men like Mike Pence, his Vice President, or Rudy Giuliani,
possibly his Attorney General; 2) he will listen to the godly leaders who have
been speaking into his life, like James Robison and Tony Perkins; 3) he will
humble himself, recognizing that the pride that has brought him this far is the
pride that could destroy him; 4) he will keep his word about the Supreme Court
justices he will nominate; 5) he will not compromise the Republican Platform in
some misguided effort to prove his moderation; 6) he will do his best not to
alienate those who are horrified by his presidency, instead pledging to be the
president of all Americans (that would mean, for example, declaring war on
radical Islam without declaring war on all Muslims); 7) he will demonstrate
that he will ultimately help our nation as a whole (for example, with good
economic policies or by proposing something better than Obamacare); and, 8) he
will learn to act presidential (rather than vengeful and impetuous) on both a
national and international level.
In short, if Trump indeed is president by divine intervention, we should
pray for divine restraint on his life as well, lest this divine wrecking ball
wreak havoc on the nation while tearing down what is wrong. May he be a
divinely guided wrecking ball!
Dr. Michael Brown ( is the host of the nationally syndicated Line of Fire radio program. His latest book is Breaking
the Stronghold of Food. Connect with
him on Facebook or Twitter.
Signs of divine intervention in Trump victory
This victory at the polls will be talked about for MANY YEARS to come... There's no other way to explain what happened, except that it had everything to do with GOD and His divine intervention in the affairs of man.
So, my dear grandkids, NEVER discount God's miracles in our lives, in the lives of those who love Him, in the world... God is still on the throne and He cares about what's happening in our personal lives!!
WASHINGTON – Election eve 2016 began without any real sign of a gathering storm. No hint a popular revolt was brewing. In fact, just the opposite.
The networks were reporting the mood in the inner circle of the Republican candidate was subdued, somber, tense, even foreboding – as if fearing the worst.
In direct contrast, the mood in the camp of the Democratic Party presidential candidate was described as confident, expectant and already almost celebratory.
When the first polls closed on the East Coast and the first results began to come in, those moods seemed to be swiftly confirmed by reality. The pre-election polls were not wrong. Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton immediately took the lead.
And she was winning in the battleground states.
She was leading in Florida. She was leading in North Carolina. She was leading in Pennsylvania. She was leading in Ohio. Clinton was threatening to pull away and end the suspense early.
At 7p.m., there was no sign of a popular uprising led by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. There was no sign at 8p.m. There was still no sign as time inexorably marched on.
Something would have to break.
And then it did.
Like a scene out of the film “It’s a Wonderful Life,” people had begun to pray. But not just in one small town. Across America. And around the world.
Simple acts of faith heralded the first faint wisps of a breeze that would soon become a storm that would shake the world.
It began in Jerusalem.
Christians from many nations gathered in the heart of Israel to pray and fast for the fate of the United States. Americans knelt on stage as the faithful prayed. Organizers instructed them to pray like never before for a just God to deliver his most Christian nation. They called it the Jerusalem Global Gathering.
Christians also gathered to pray for the nation outside the U.S. Capitol. As WND reported, pastor Dan Cummins of the small rural East Texas town of Bullard led prayers for a return to biblical principles.
And it was in Texas that the prayers for deliverance were sent around the world, using modern technology.
A large prayer group had gathered in Dallas, hosted by Ken Copeland ministries. It was broadcast by the Daystar channel. Presenters David Barton and former Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., invited viewers to join in prayer. Daystar has a global reach of 400 million potential viewers.
As they prayed, something began to stir.
“At the precise moment we began broadcasting on Daystar,” Bachmann told WND, “as the polls were still open, and a national audience of believers joined together and prayed in concert, we literally saw the race break in favor of Trump.”
“At that very minute.” She presented proof.
“The New York Times documented the shift in voting from that minute.”
Michele Bachmann on Donald
Trump’s victory: ‘The Lord did this’
"The Times put out a
timeline tracking the election results as they broke for Trump last night,”
Bachmann continued. “We went wild in the Dallas studio last night when David
Barton, Ken and Terri Copeland, and various pastors saw that the victory for
Trump began exactly at the precise moment believers corporately, over national
television, sought the Lord for His favor upon our nation.”
“That is the story of last night’s victory. I have no doubt. The strong right arm of a holy God heard the prayers of His people and graciously answered our prayers,” Bachmann reflected.
“It truly explains the Trump victory. I have no doubt. No man can take the credit. Only the strong right arm of a merciful God.”
But that was in harmony with the “believers interceding on behalf of the American election last night in Jerusalem, praying in concert with those of us praying in America.”
And there is no doubt someone was listening.
In addition to the hundreds-of-millions of viewers within Daystar’s reach, the event drew about a million views online.
Bachmann said there had been a genuine repentance and coordinated beseeching of God. She told WND, “We saw the effective fervent prayers of righteous believers availing much.”
“And, prayers so specific,” she explained, “we prayed for elections by county and cities and districts. We literally watched results follow the faithful effectual prayers of righteous people who had humbled themselves and cried out to God for his mercy. This wasn’t credit for us; this was clearly the Lord’s gracious doing.”
Bachmann proclaimed, “It is the story of the night and the biggest story of the year. I have no doubt.”
“We were told more believers came out to vote in this election than ever before,” she reflected, and the numbers confirmed that.
Trump benefited from the largest evangelical turnout in history. Exit polls showed that an overwhelming 80 percent of white evangelical voters (who made up 25 percent of all 2016 voters) supported Trump.
Evangelicals of color preferred Clinton, but she did not get the same support from Hispanics and African-Americans as did President Obama.
Polls also showed that Trump recaptured the Catholic vote for the GOP by a margin of 52 percent to 45 percent, after most of them voted for Obama in the two previous presidential elections.
Bachmann said all of this “shows the necessity of believers voting for biblical principles in the voting booth.”
Despite the victory, she concluded the work has just begun for the faithful, as well as the president-elect.
“This is not the time for believers to celebrate and turn away from doing our part affecting our society with the salt and light found in the Bible.”
“Now is the time,” she continued, “for pastors to preach biblically from America’s pulpits on the various issues we confront in America.”
“This is a beginning for people of faith. It is an opportunity to share the gospel and educate people on the fundamental primacy of the foundation of western civilization: the Bible.”
So, what did happen around 8p.m. Eastern time, when the Times indicated the odds favoring Trump began a dramatic turnaround in his favor?
Did prayers sway the vote, or did they coincide with the moment the tabulations began to swing to Trump?
Either way, there could be a case to be made that the Trump victory was not really the work of man, because man chose Clinton.
She won the popular vote. Just as the polls predicted.
But, it was where those people voted that made all the difference. Providentially, perhaps, the shift toward Trump happened in the key swing states needed to push him over the top in the all-important Electoral College.
From that perspective, Trump’s victory might indeed be seen, even by the skeptical, as less the work of man, and more of an act of God.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Make Me A Blessing...
Make me a blessing, Make me a blessing
Out of my life may Jesus shine.
Make me a blessing, O Savior, I pray.
Make me a blessing to someone today!!
Saturday, November 5, 2016
you just never know...
this week, I received a friend request on Facebook from someone we used to know back in Karuhatan. Vangie Medel was Ric Medel's wife. Ric passed away 6 years ago. They attended EL Church-Valenzuela during the years that we were in Karuhatan. Justin was friends with their eldest son, Ericson. I remember that we tried to help them financially and through gifts like food and clothes for the kids. What I didn't realize is that, many years later, this family is still talking about us and how kind we were to them! We didn't do anything special, we just wanted to help them because we liked them. But, even now, they tell stories about us and are thanking us for being kind to them.
This revelation hit me hard, making me realize that we really just don't know the impact we're making on people. They can be negative or they can be positive. This has served as a reminder to ALWAYS be kind to everyone who God brings across our paths. We will never lose out by being kind and caring to others! We need to be an influence for GOOD and not evil. We must ALWAYS be salt and light in this dark world because you never know who's watching...
lastly, what I read today from Chuck Swindoll's devotional served as confirmation : You will be amazed at how the Lord will use you in others' lives once you adjust your life to His ways. You will be many things for them: a reproof, a refuge, a point of hope, a reason to go on, a source of strength, a calming influence, and so much more.
This revelation hit me hard, making me realize that we really just don't know the impact we're making on people. They can be negative or they can be positive. This has served as a reminder to ALWAYS be kind to everyone who God brings across our paths. We will never lose out by being kind and caring to others! We need to be an influence for GOOD and not evil. We must ALWAYS be salt and light in this dark world because you never know who's watching...
lastly, what I read today from Chuck Swindoll's devotional served as confirmation : You will be amazed at how the Lord will use you in others' lives once you adjust your life to His ways. You will be many things for them: a reproof, a refuge, a point of hope, a reason to go on, a source of strength, a calming influence, and so much more.
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