
December 2023

Sunday, June 9, 2024


Choose friends who are choosing you right back.
Choose friends who are willing to get real in conversation.
Choose friends who are making room for you at their table and willing to invest.
Choose friends who lift you higher, let you relax—who make you laugh harder, breathe a little lighter, and come alive a little more.
Choose friends who always give you space to be yourself.
Choose friends who see you (in all your glory and all your mess) and love you still.
Choose friends who love your people too.
Choose friends who celebrate with you when you win.
Choose friends who know you well enough to call you on your crap sometimes (when you really need it).
Choose friends who text you just to check in.
Choose friends who will remind you who you are (when you forget).
Choose friends who believe the best in you and have your back when you’re not in the room.
Choose friends who are vulnerable and real.
Be the kind of friend who loves her friends well, and choose the ones who are loving you right back.

Amy & Jess

Saturday, May 25, 2024

in 20 years...

Josiah will be 40    Keilah will be 36    Jonah and Jaelyn will be 35    
Bella will be 34    Calista will be 33    Zoe will be 32    Emi will be 30   
Elijah will be 29 

Hopefully, you will all be established in your respective careers by then
Maybe married with children, making your parents GRANDPARENTS!!

And A'po Dan and I may already be in heaven...


Saturday, May 11, 2024

"I've noticed something about people
who make a difference in the world:
They hold the unshakable conviction that
individuals are extremely important,
that every life matters.
They get excited over one smile.
They are willing to feed one stomach,
educate one mind,
and treat one wound.
They aren't determined to revolutionize
the world all at once;
they're satisfied with small changes.
Over time, though, the small changes add up.
Sometimes they even transform cities and nations,
and yes, the world."

Beth Clark
