Don't take life for granted, go out and seize the day,
so often, we waste precious time, in senseless and frivolous ways.
Tomorrow is not promised, we don't know what lies ahead,
so instead of deferring those plans and dreams, do it now instead.
Life is for living, so make each and every moment count,
It's the quality of life that matters, not the quantity or amount.
Get busy living, stay curious and enjoy the fast paced ride,
try to worry less and take everything in your stride.
Fill your life with fond memories, to be treasured always,
these you will cherish for the rest of your days.
Live and let live, forgive and forget,
leave no room in your life, for bitterness and regret.
The big moments are great but the little ones count too,
every single moment matters, not just the special few.
Do your best to stay strong, amid all life's troubles and its strife,
these too play a vital part, in the rich tapestry of life.
With life, so very fleeting, participate fully in the dance,
live life to the full, you only get one chance.
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