
December 2023

Wednesday, December 21, 2016


photos taken by our front door/front yard
during my high school days
"Describe your childhood bedroom. What was the view from your window?"

My family was poor when I was little. My parents -- your great-grandparents -- were church planters in the mountains on the island of Cebu and the homes back then were one-bedroom affairs. So, we probably slept, ate, entertained all in the same little room.

I didn't have my own bedroom until I was in high school, specifically when my Dad became president of FEBIAS College of Bible in 1972. So, for 2 years -- until I left for college in the States -- I had my own bedroom, a sanctuary during those critical teen years...

What I loved best about having my own bedroom was that I could decorate it in a way that expressed my personality. Case in point -- my bedroom door...
The view out of that bedroom window was our front yard which was full of plants and flowers since my Mom had an awesome "green thumb." I also could see the back of Vision Chapel and this huge mango tree that provided great shade to the music rooms that were located at the back of the Chapel. Couples would also meet at the back of Vision Chapel because they could stay hidden from prying eyes by large trunk of the mango tree. During the summer, that mango tree would bear LOTS of fruit and they were SO sweet. We always looked forward to getting the fruit from that tree.

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