this blog is dedicated to my wonderful grandchildren -- my MAGNIFICENT 9!!! I pray they will enjoy reading this as much as I've enjoyed putting it together for them... God blessed me abundantly when He gave me my magnificent 9!! May their lives reflect and embody the wonderful heritage of the Isidro and Lacanilao families of which they are a part.
Our Magnificent 9
August 2024
Friday, December 29, 2017
Thursday, December 28, 2017
You are...!!
In case you didn't know (cuz I didn't...)
A.A. Milne's son, Christopher Robin,
and his stuffed animals were the inspiration
for Winnie-the-Pooh
can you believe it????
here we are at the end of another year...
how blessed we are that God has been gracious enough to give us 2017 and the promise of 2018.
with each year that ends, we always look back to see what happened in those 12 months and 2017 was really full of many surprises and blessings to our family!
despite our continued struggles (some of which you as my grandkids aren't privy to... yet!), God has been merciful, kind and loving to us! that's why we should NEVER turn our backs on God. He has not abandoned us and He never will! He is still on the throne and He has known from the very beginning everything that has happened, that is happening and that will happen in our lives. He just wants us to trust in His divine plan for each of us, in His wonderful timing!! He really does know what's best for us!
it's my prayer that as you grow older and as you mature in your Christian walk, you will see the wonder of trusting in God's timing and His plan for you...
He will never disappoint you!!
He may not give you what you want, but He'll certainly give you what you need when you need it!!
Trust Him with everything that's happening in your life!
Trust Him through the hard times;
trust Him in the good times!!
God will always remain faithful to us because that's His nature... He loves us and will always bring to pass what He know is best for us!!
So, as we look at 2018 looming ahead of us, remember the Lord's promise: "Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the age."
Hold on to that promise with both hands and never let go!!
If this promise was good enough for your great-grandparents on both sides, it is good enough for you!!
i love you so much, my magnificent 9!!!
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Saturday, November 4, 2017
in celebration of Dr Billy Graham's upcoming 99th birthday...
your A'po and I were blessed to have attended his evangelistic rally at the Rose Bowl at few years ago...
i'm sad that you won't be able to listen to this great man of God preach, but if any of you have a chance to hear his son, Dr Franklin Graham, or his grandson, William Graham, preach at one of their evangelistic rallies, PLEASE GO!!!
i'm sad that you won't be able to listen to this great man of God preach, but if any of you have a chance to hear his son, Dr Franklin Graham, or his grandson, William Graham, preach at one of their evangelistic rallies, PLEASE GO!!!
you will be deeply blessed!!
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Saturday, October 21, 2017
how your GGMarge would have loved ALL of you!!!
i found this last night as i was looking for another document... i'd forgotten all about this...
but, this is the write-up i put together for your GGMarge's death announcement in her alma mater's -- TRINITY EVANGELICAL DIVINITY SCHOOL -- magazine
but, this is the write-up i put together for your GGMarge's death announcement in her alma mater's -- TRINITY EVANGELICAL DIVINITY SCHOOL -- magazine
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
your Great-Grandfather, Justino Lacanilao, would have been 90 today!!
here's what i posted on Facebook today:
before this day ends, i just wanted to say how much i miss my father-in-law, Justino Lacanilao. he was a truly lovely man! so kind, so calm, so helpful, so Godly...
today would have been his 90th birthday.
our son Justin who was named after him loves to tell of his fondest memory of his grandpa--that of finding him sitting at the kitchen table every morning having his devotions. it made a significant impact on Justin's life. his grandpa would be so proud to see what a fine man Justin has become. my father-in-law had a big part in who Justin is today.
if i have any regrets, it's that my father-in-law never got to meet any of his great-grandchildren. josiah was born 5 years after the Lord took him home. if he had been alive, he would have absolutely doted on his first great-grandchild!
well, Dad, this is to let you know that your grandkids turned out just fine! your great-grandkids are wonderful individuals and you would also be very proud of them!
we miss you desperately and really wish you were here so we could just hang out with you, seek your advice and just have the chance again to tell you how much we love you!! but, we have the assurance that we WILL see you again in glory and we're looking forward to that grand reunion in heaven someday!!
Monday, October 9, 2017
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Romans 8:31
this is such a powerful verse that it bears repeating 4 times!!!
as you go through life, my magnificent 9, don't ever forget that GOD IS FOR YOU!!! whatever challenges you might find along the way, God will always be there -- by your side, at your back, walking in front of you to guide you. The only requirement is that you have made Him your personal Lord and Savior. I know the 6 older ones have made this important decision already and it is my prayer that the 3 younger ones will soon understand the importance of surrendering their life to Jesus and having a personal relationship with Him!!
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
i know that you know your Oma's nuts sometimes...
A few weeks before your A'po and I left for Palawan, I was running around to all the Goodwill and Thrift stores in the area hoping to find at least ONE paper towel holder. i didn't want to buy one because i thought i could find one for a dollar or two at one of the stores where your A'po loves to shop.
Unfortunately, i could not find even ONE anywhere and i was really disappointed that i was leaving the States without a paper towel holder...
Imagine my surprise, however, when we started opening the boxes we had shipped to Palawan from Cebu back in 2014 when i found NOT one, but TWO paper towel holders!! and, both of them are from my Princess House collection!!!
i could almost imagine God saying, "You silly, silly child!! You forgot about these two paper towel holders, but I hadn't!!"
this might seem minor in the whole scheme of life, but this just goes to show that God cares about the tiny little details of our lives!! even paper towel holders...
so.... the same thing happened with BATH TOWELS!!!
when we left for Cebu and Palawan, i had packed one towel each for your A'po and me to use while we were traveling. there were 2 other sets of towels being shipped over from San Dimas, but they were not scheduled to arrive in Brooke's Point until October.
SO.... i started worrying about TOWELS!!! i couldn't imagine having only 1 towel for each of us to use until the other ones arrived!! i even went out and bought myself a cheap towel from Unitop, the local store here in Brooke's, even though the quality was really not up to par with the towels we're used to in the States...
But, God surprised me with SO MANY BATH TOWELS once we started opening up our boxes!!! we now have more than enough between your A'po and me and, even better, they're BATH SHEETS so they're really big!!! i had totally forgotten that, 10 years ago, i had brought all these towels with me to Cebu and then used them as padding for my crystal when we were packing up our lives in 2014.
i'm sure God had a nice laugh when He saw me pulling out all these towels. He was probably shaking his head and saying, "Silly Sharon! you worried for nothing!!!"
So, when you guys come to visit us, you can be confident that we will NOT run out of towels!!!
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Sunday, September 10, 2017
from Danny Gokey...
i saw this today on Facebook and wanted to share it
because it's important...
here's what Danny Gokey wrote:
"This quote seems so timely. Lots of chaos going on
but here's what I do know: Nothing takes God by surprise.
He saw every setback that you'd go through
He saw every setback that you'd go through
and He has already arranged a comeback
better than you can imagine.
Your job is to have faith and to keep moving forward."
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
saw this today on facebook and just had to share...
"You'll face many crossroads in your life regardless of your education, title, or how much money you have. It happens to all [of us].
A crossroad is your internal watchdog telling you that something needs [to] change onward to your next level. Whether rocky, curving, straight or smooth, it’s when you run and intersect with other roads that defines your road. It's when road meets road that God wants you to have faith that in whichever road you choose to tread, He walks with you. Like the morning star, He will guide you along your way."
Gilbert 'Gibo' Teodoro, Jr.

Thursday, August 17, 2017
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Friday, August 11, 2017
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