
December 2023

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

thought for the week--TRUST GOD

on Saturday, 10/13/18, a friend of ours, Joval Labata, was suddenly taken home to heaven. he was only 57... he collapsed after he had finished directing the choir's special number, "I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel," during Light of the World Evangelical Christian Fellowship's 16th anniversary celebration. despite resuscitation attempts, he never recovered...

i heard that 7 of you were there at the anniversary celebration and saw him collapse, but it may not have crossed your mind that it was pretty serious...

even though to us it seemed too sudden and too soon, to God, it was perfect timing... what's interesting to me is that earlier that day, i had posted this from Charles Ryrie's "Basic Theology" that i found to be thought-provoking, not knowing that i would actually have to believe and claim it in view of Joval's sudden passing...

my heart goes out to Joval's 4 kids who have now lost both their mother and father in the span of two years... i know they are loved by many, but it's sad to think that, though barely in their teens, they are now orphans. 

so, my thought for the week has been revolving around TRUSTING GOD... despite all the situations that come our way when we can't wrap our heads around what is happening and why, we should STILL choose to TRUST that God knows exactly what He's doing; that all that we're going through is part of His divine and perfect plan for our lives; that when we get to the other side of these uncomfortable, annoying, sad, distressing, and difficult situations, we will see that God DID know what's best and that if we put our full and complete faith and TRUST in Him, He will make everything work out for our good and for His honor and glory!!

So... in everything that comes your way, my awesome grandkids, ALWAYS TRUST GOD!!!

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