
December 2023

Saturday, April 6, 2019


Although these are from a secular viewpoint, these are points of which even Christians should be aware...

Trust and integrity are the foundations of a good relationship. While anyone can say they are reliable in a job interview or on a first date, how do you know if they are, in fact, a person with genuine integrity? When determining if the people in your life are truly trustworthy, here are 15 habits integral to people with genuine integrity.
  1. Trustworthy. Trust goes beyond just agreeing to keep a secret or watching your cat for the week-end. Being trustworthy means they can be counted on, no matter what.
  2. Accountable. We all make mistakes, but a person with genuine integrity knows when to take the blame. If a mistake was made, then they will be the first to admit if they had a hand in it.
  3. Reliable. Along with accountability, reliability is another big clue to someone's integrity. No one likes someone who promises but doesn't deliver. Integrity means following through and being reliable.
  4. Sharing the Spotlight. This is particularly important in the office. If you're working on a project with a team, but only one person takes the credit, you know you won't want to work with them in the future. It can seriously sour both the office environment and the home if your partner or colleague doesn't share any credit. If your co-worker gives your fellow teammates a shout out, that's important. If they work well in a team and share responsibility, that's also a sign that they are genuine and responsible.
  5. Humble. A little humility goes a long way, but if you have someone in your life who is constantly avoiding praise or compliments, remind them of how important and valuable they are. You can judge someone's integrity based on how they handle compliments. On the other hand, someone without a lot of humility might not be able to keep their ego in check.
  6. Working to find a solution. Even people with the best moral compass and a stringent code of ethics will find themselves in an argument or disagreement at one point or another. It's human nature. However, people with integrity don't spend their time arguing their side. Instead, they will work to find a solution and compromise.
  7. Genuine. Finding a genuine person might be a little like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Being genuine means being sincere in everything you do. When a person of integrity gives you a compliment, you know they genuinely mean it. Or, if they ask how you are, you know they genuinely care. Genuine people are also direct. Calling it like it is, not maliciously, but simply being frank, is a good measurement of someone's character.
  8. Generous. You can tell a lot about a person based on how they talk to the server at a restaurant. Genuine people don't treat the waitstaff as second-class citizens. You can also tell a lot about someone based on how they tip, donate to a cause in need, or discuss money among friends and family. Generosity and genuineness tend to go hand in hand.
  9. Lending a helping hand. Beyond donating to the local food pantry or the Red Cross, genuine integrity means naturally lending a helping hand, if it's needed. Someone who doesn't mind giving their time, perhaps even more than their money, obviously cares deeply for other people.
  10. Kindness. People with integrity know that being kind to others is priority number one. If they see someone is having a rough day, they will go out of their way to make them feel better. People with integrity are always ready with a kind word or smile.
  11. Raising others up. Sometimes you come across people who love to tear others down. Everyone needs someone who supports, but those with integrity go the extra mile. Genuine individuals want you to succeed so they will help you achieve your goals.
  12. Valuing other's time. The last thing you need is someone who doesn't value your time. People with integrity will always have time for you or will fit you in their schedule when they can. It's more than just being reliable, genuine integrity means respecting people's time and showing up to appointments and dates promptly.
  13. Intuitive. Do you have that friend who seems to be able to read your feelings no matter how well you try and cover them up? It's because they're intuitive, and it's a valuable trait to have. Intuitive people don't just know how you're feeling, they can sense when something's up or when you're upset and, most importantly, will do whatever they can to make you feel better. People with integrity use their intuition wisely, strengthening relationships and helping to mediate uncomfortable situations.
  14. Believing people. Not only can genuine and reliable people be trusted, but they also trust and rely on other people. For people with integrity, you're in their good graces unless you give them a good reason not to be. They will take someone at their word and leave it at that. If you owe them money, they won't hammer you. If you tell them something, they will take you at your word.
  15. Seeing the best in others. Along with taking people at their word, there is something to be said for the way people with integrity view others. You might know one or two people who can see the best in people rather than the worst, sometimes even to a fault. This is a trait that not many have, but those who do are well worth keeping in your life because they can often offer a different if sometimes, challenging, perspective.
If you're trying to determine if someone has real integrity, if they can be relied on, and if they are the kind of person worth having in your life, look for these 15 traits. These habits come second nature to genuine and trustworthy people, and if you have someone in your life who has integrity, count yourself lucky.

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