
December 2023

Monday, October 7, 2019

his name was Miguel...

i didn't know him personally, but i met his parents in July 2018. they are friends of your A'po Norm and Omalou.
after I read his father's post this morning, i found myself having a hard time wrapping my mind around what this young man might have been going through. what was he thinking before he took that fateful step off of the Coronado Bay Bridge?
all i know is that if that were my son, i would be devastated, like I know his parents are... 
My heart aches for his family to lose him in this way. They never even got to say goodbye, like you would when there's a lingering illness.
because depression runs in our family (on the Isidro side), we need to be vigilant and truly watch out for each other. and if it looks like someone in our family might be going through depression or a "blue spell," we must reach out and be there for him/her.
we mustn't ignore the warning signs:  
1) feelings of hopelessness, despair, like you can't do anything to change your situation
2) loss of the ability to feel joy or pleasure
3) weight loss, especially more than 5% body weight in one month
4) sleep changes--either insomnia, waking in the early morning hours, oversleeping
5) anger/irritability--everything and everyone gets on your nerves
6) loss of energy--feeling fatigued, sluggish, drained
7) strong feelings of worthlessness or guilt
8) reckless behavior
9) trouble focusing, concentrating, making decisions
10) unexpected aches and pains.

I strongly believe that ONLY GOD can end our life. we are not the masters of our destiny; God is! He has ordained the day of our birth as well as the day of our death and if He chooses to give us 91 years, like He has with your GGMa, or if He calls us home when we're in our teens, it's HIS choice. so, even though I understand why people might want to end their lives because they feel like they have no other choice, our lives are really in HIS hands and only He knows when it's our time to leave this earth...
as Christians, we know that when we die, we will be with the Lord Jesus in heaven, that place He has prepared for us. that is our comfort and consolation. we will no longer suffer. we will not longer have any aches and pain. There really will be no more tears in heaven because He has promised to wipe away all our tears...
I don't know if Miguel had a personal relationship with the Lord. but, I would like to challenge you, my grandchildren, to make sure your relationship with the Lord is secure and eternal because it would be a tragedy of the worst kind if it isn't...

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