
December 2023

Monday, October 9, 2023

things to ponder...

Whether you like it or not, life isn't always sunshine and rainbows. You, like everyone else, will face trials and tribulations. You will go through loss, failure, and sadness because life constantly throws us curveballs that are beyond our control and cause us to fall.
Everyone needs to grow in places where they thought they couldn't stand. Sometimes you have to pay attention to the small details of pain that life teaches you.
Whatever irritates you is teaching you the value of patience.
Anyone who abandons you is trying to teach you how to stand on your own two feet.
Anything that causes you pain is instilling the values of forgiveness and compassion in you.
Whatever you are afraid of is instilling courage in you so that you can confront your fears.
Anything over which you have no control is showing you how to let go.


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