
December 2023

Saturday, February 10, 2024

advice for my handsome grandsons...

Fall for a woman who makes you uncomfortable.
One who feels completely at home,
in her own skin
and in her own company.
One who’s familiar with her faults
and is always a flight risk.
It’s much harder to hit moving targets,
especially the ones learning on the run—
always learning,
always running.

Fall for a woman who has a list of books
she’s promised herself to read.
And one who knows where to leave her teeth marks on you.
One who has a fire in her belly
and a passion to fuel it.

Fall for a woman so beautiful inside
that you can’t help but stare at who she is.
Fall for a woman who’s multidimensional.
Who has levels,
and layers,
and dark corners,
and curves you must explore.

Fall for her intricacies
and her strange ways.
Do not fall only for her looks;
fall for what the rest of the world continues to overlook.

Fall for someone better than you
someone who will work with you
in lockstep.
When you find her,
fall all the way.
And let her know it’s safe to do the same.
no matter what,
don’t let her down.

J. Raymond
"Don't Let Her Down"
From my first best-selling collection, Spades. Published 2015.

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