Our Magnificent 9

Our Magnificent 9
August 2024

Friday, July 5, 2024

Your life is like a castle...

The deepest part of the castle may be entered only by you.

The next part of the castle may be entered by the ones who are the most close to you and the outer parts of the castle, by those who you may be less close with but you wish to remain in your life.
How far into the castle they are allowed to travel, and how much of the castle they may glimpse is determined entirely by you, for you are the gatekeeper of your life.

And though you may hold love within your heart for all of humanity, you may choose only to allow those into your life whose presence is for your highest good.
For though many people may be attracted to the castle, you get to decide who enters, and who gets to admire the castle from afar.

And it is entirely possible to love people from a distance without permitting them entrance.”
Words by Tahlia Hunter

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