
December 2023

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Scriptures to Pray for Teenage Grandchildren

Dear Father, I pray: (Insert your child’s name)
  1. Resist Temptations     
         You will give ________wisdom and strength to withstand temptation.
          I Corinthians 10:13
  1. Protection    
         You will strengthen and protect ________from the evil one.
         II Thessalonians 3:3
  1. Self-control     
          ______ will be self controlled and alert. Resist the enemy, standing strong in
          his/her faith. I Peter 5:8,9
  1. Compassionate
           ________will become helpful, kind, tenderhearted and forgiving to others.
           Ephesians 4:32
  1. Conversation/Words
          ________will let his/her conversation be gracious, as well as sensible.
          Colossians 4:5
  1. Wise Choices
          You will show ________how to distinguish right from wrong and how to make
          wise choices.  Proverbs 2:9
  1. Not Misled
          ________will not be misled, remembering that he/she can’t ignore You and
          get away with it. Galatians 6:7

     8 . Sexual Purity

           ______will flee from sexual immorality and maintain purity for his/her
           future spouse. I Corinthians 6:18
  1. Know Right from Wrong
          ________will do what is right because knowing it and then not doing it
          is sin. James 4:17
  1. Refuse Evil
          ________will hate the gatherings of those who do evil and refuse to join in
          with the wicked. Psalm 26:5
  1. Satisfaction
           ________will do his/her very best, for then he/she will have the personal
           satisfaction of work well done. Galatians 6:4
  1. Self-centeredness
          ________will not just think about his/her own self, but be interested in others,
          and in what they are doing. Philippians 2:4

By Lillian Penner, National Prayer Coordinator, Christian Grandparenting Network,

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